Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Look at me, look at me.

Let's play a little, whadduya say? Sometimes art is abstract, asking to be defined by the viewer. To me, abstract art is a complete personal experience for the artist AND the viewer. However, not all art is seemingly abstract. Take this picture for instance, it does not seem abstract in nature and does not seem to tell any story.


Or does it? It is more entertaining and enlightening if you take any piece of art, especially photographs and look at it from a contrasting perspective. Don't just look at this meerkat and say, "Oh, look at the cute little furry cat... or is it a dog?" What is it thinking looking up at you? If you could speak meerkat, what would he or she be saying? Have fun with it. Here is what I think:

The Dialogue of the Meerkat:

What are you lookin' at? Stop flashing those things at me, it gives me a headache. I know I'm cute, but please, tell me more. Do you wanna come play in the sand? Wait, make sure you get my good side. Can you put that thing down for a second and come play? No. Well, I guess its just another day at the office... lookin' all cute, pleasin' the people. Hop here, perch there, tilt my head, show my belly... blah blah blah. Just another day... just another day. When's dinner?

What do you think my little Meerkat friend is thinking? Look in his eyes, what do you see?


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