Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Dare You

What is beauty? Where can you find it? Anywhere? Everywhere? What is it based on? The eye of the beholder? Can you see it in this?


I had never seen anything like this. It is a giant sticker bush. Falling into it could possibly mortally wound a person or an animal. Why has this plant developed such defense mechanisms? Nature has provided this plant with the tools it needs to protect itself from predators. The plant has continued to grow and in turn has continued to build its defenses. How is the sticker bush similar to humans? How is it different?

In psychology, Freud is known for many things, including a long list of developed human defense mechanisms. As people grow older and have more life experience, defense mechanisms can arise and deepen in our unconscious. Contrary to popular belief, defense mechanisms are not always harmful, and in fact, are naturally healthy. They are only pathological when they are overused or induce psychosis. If used in a healthy fashion, they protect our egos and self-esteem. So which defense mechanism is the sticker bush displaying? Is it healthy or unhealthy? Obviously, the sticker cannot speak for its behaviors. What does the photograph tell you? What does it imply about its life? I challenge you to create your own perception.


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